Nordic sardines on lettuce and egg
Crispbread, rye- or whole wheat crackers.
A leaf of letucce and slices of hard boiled egg. FANGST Brisling - The Nordic Sardine (No. 1, No. 2 or No. 4). Garnished with capers and cress.
Lemon on the side.
A leaf of letucce and slices of hard boiled egg. FANGST Brisling - The Nordic Sardine (No. 1, No. 2 or No. 4). Garnished with capers and cress.
Lemon on the side.
Knækbrød, rug- eller hvedekiks.
Blad af romainesalat og skiver af hårdkogt æg.
FANGST letsaltede brislinger (nr. 4).
Pyntet med kapers og karse. Citron ved siden.