Nordic sardines on lettuce and egg

Nordic sardines on lettuce and egg - FANGST
Crispbread, rye- or whole wheat crackers.
A leaf of letucce and slices of hard boiled egg. FANGST Brisling - The Nordic Sardine (No. 1No. 2 or No. 4). Garnished with capers and cress.
Lemon on the side.


Knækbrød, rug- eller hvedekiks.
Blad af romainesalat og skiver af hårdkogt æg.
FANGST letsaltede brislinger (nr. 4).
Pyntet med kapers og karse. Citron ved siden.

About Sune Rasborg

Sune Rasborg, based on the island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea, is a renowned chef and author of award-winning cookbooks. With a keen eye for the best in Nordic cuisine, Sune ensures that each recipe builds on the region's culinary heritage. His passion for using top-notch, locally sourced ingredients aligns perfectly with FANGST's commitment to the same.

Download all Sune' recipes for FANGST.