Nordic sardines on crispbread, apple and green cabbage

Nordic sardines on crispbread, apple and green cabbage - FANGST
FANGST Brisling - The Nordic Sardine (No. 1, No. 2 or No. 4), crispbreadcreme fraiche, thinly sliced green cabbage and apple, salt.


FANGST Brisling No. 1, No. 2 eller No. 4, knækbrød, creme fraiche, fintsnittet grønkål og æble, salt.


About Mikkel Karstad

Mikkel has helped us create the recipes for the first cans of FANGST.He is an experienced chef and product developer with a broad knowledge of Nordic ingredients and processing methods.He is author of several praised cook books – of which ‘Gone Fishing’ and ‘Evergreen’ have been particular inspiring for us.

Download all Mikkel's recipes for FANGST.